A lot of myths and one truth about cannabis
Hemp comes from the Cannabis sativa plant. The dried flower is commonly consumed in a form known as marijuana or weed. The most important and powerful psychoactive substance that cannabis contains is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)...
Factors that affect and may lead to the use of psychoactive substances
The use or abuse of drugs by someone is not the result of a factor or a particular situation that if we prevent this person will be saved. It does not suddenly appear in someone's life, nor does anyone decide that tomorrow he will start using drugs. We would say that the elements that lead there are probably developed from childhood-adolescence, even if they are expressed in middle adulthood...
Physical exercise as a means of improving cognitive functions in healthy and clinical populations
It is widely accepted that physical exercise benefits the human cognitive functions (Pascoe et al., 2020) and is now used as a measure to prevent relapse in addictive behaviors, leading over the past decades to increase scientific interest in the role of engaging in the treatment of people addicted to psychoactive substances (e.g. cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, heroin, inhaled drugs, LSD, and ecstasy) (Abrandes & Blevins, 2019). Brandon et al., 2007).
The availability of drugs in Cyberspace and the institutional framework. It’s never too late…
Public health is a key element for the development and sustainability of every society. In today’s interlinked reality, of the pandemic and post-pandemic era, this commodity takes on a timely and unique value, as the vulnerability to a range of risks and challenges is more visible than ever..
The “prison” of the pandemic
The well-known criminologist Despina Svourdakou talks about an “invisible war”, analyzing some of the main parameters that lead to the escalation of violence and crime.
Drugs & Cyberspace
The rapid development of technology and especially information and communication technologies (ICT) has brought great changes to our daily lives, changes that humanity had not known in its previous historical moments.
Factors affecting domestic violence
The bibliographic review of investigations that have at times been carried out regarding domestic violence has highlighted specific indicators - factors