
Our vision is a society without addictions.
Discharged from the destructive consequences of drug abuse, but also from outdated concepts, attitudes and practices.
The era of changes we are going through requires and imposes a redefinition of actions and a constant updating, without complacency, in all aspects of social life.
Our Institute is orientated towards parents, guardians, teachers in educational institutions and in general towards those who contribute to the education of young people and teenagers and aims to shield them against the challenges of addictions.
P.A.D.A. Institute implements a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 for its wider range of activities: planning, administration, management and implementation of programmes and educational material, humanitarian programmes and actions in the field of the protection of youngs against drugs, creation of partnerships and planning of events and conferences thar at cofunded or funded by the company's budget on national, European or international level.

Our vision is to inform young individuals with regards to drug addiction with the aim to produce change in already-existing dysfunctional drug-related perspectives.