P.A.D.A. Team climbing the wild slopes of Olympus

On Saturday, October 1st, the President of P.A.D.A. – Anti-Drug Action, Yiannis Rachovitsas with Eleftheria Palaiologou and friends and supporters of the Institute, after several hours of climbing the wild slopes of Olympus, raised the P.A.D.A. flag on the highest peak (Mytikas, 2.918m height) of Greece while passing the message:
“Stay away from addictions. Get addicted to sports and to the magic of nature!”
Sports require sacrifices and painful efforts. But these efforts lead to peaks, which as soon as you see, you forget about all the difficulties you have been through and the only emotion you can feel is pride!!!
You can watch the video here: https://youtube.com/shorts/oD5UobFjkAQ?feature=share

01 Oct. 2022