P.A.D.A. Institute – Event in Kranidi, Argolida

On Sunday, June 12th, at 18:00, the P.A.D.A. Institute along with the Municipality of Hermionida held an event with the title “Family and Sports, protecting shields against drug addiction”.
The Institute’s experienced scientific team has informed the attendees about the key role of the family, but also of the sports, in the life of a young person, regarding its protection from the addiction caused by narcotic substances. In addition to the very important insights provided by the scientists, each from his/hers own field, the central message sent to the audience is that “The youngs will get into contact with drugs, but the important thing is to be able to reject them, to turn their backs on them”.
The event was welcomed by the Mayor of Ermionida, Ioannis Georgopoulos, and the Police Director of Argolis, Evangelos Piperis. The founder and President of the Institute, Mr. Ioannis Rachovitsas, presented a commemorative plaque to both the Mayor of Hermionida and the Vice-Mayor, Mrs. Angeliki Giannikopoulou Loumi, while Mr. Giannis Georgopoulos, in return, offered four volumes, with Hermionida’s contribution to the 1821 Revolution, to the Honorary Deputy Chief of the Greek Police.
Key-note Speakers:
- Antonis Travlos, Professor of Sports Psychology, “Physical exercise and sports as means of protection against drugs” & Michalis Rachovitsas, Basketball Coach, “The role of the parents in sports”
- Eleni Bakouri, Head of the Drug Department of the General State Chemistry (ret.), “New Substances – New Threats”
- Despina Kelapostolou, Psychologist & Teresa Katri Bowles, Psychologist, “Adolescence and Drugs: The Role of the Family”
- Vasileios Kyriazakis, Psychiatrist, “A lot of myths and one truth about cannabis”
- Ioannis Karapanagos, Political Scientist – Teacher, “International and National Drug Policy” & Christina Bissia, Graduate student of Panteion University, Department of Sociology, “Society and Drugs”