Evangelia Douma
Police Colonel – BSc in Economics – MSc , MBA – P.A.D.A. MemberShe is a police colonel of the Hellenic Police. She has successfully completed her studies in Economics in the Democritus University of Thrace. She has 2 Master degrees in Communication and Public Administration and she speaks 6 foreign languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Turkish).
She was a Greek expert in visa issues in the European Council, Brussels. She was member of the personal guard of the President of Hellenic Presidency Mr Stefanopoulos and had a crucial role in the protection of Heads of several foreign states during the Olympic Games Athens 2004. She has completed trainings regarding the VIP protection, the international police cooperation and the road security. She has recently been authorised as a trainee of the police personnel in issues of dealing with vulnerable people, juveniles included.
In 2023 she envisaged and created the first and so far only library in a Greek police station for prisoners, with already more than 700 books. She is responsible for matters of juvenile violence and domestic violence in the prefecture of Serres, running with passion and commitment lots of workshops and informational events for students, teachers and parents.
She is an active athlete, in triathlon, road and trail running. She co-organizes athletic events and fells happy to accept propositions of several writers to present their books.